Chapter 21, “Sexuality for Women with AD/HD” “Sexuality is often confused and conflicted for contemporary women. Rather than feeling comfortable with their own natural sexuality, they are influenced by strong and often contradictory messages from the media and from society about female sexuality. If a woman today is also challenged by AD/HD, her sexual experience might be further complicated by patterns of inattentiveness, hyperfocusing, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity. This chapter will present the effects of broader societal issues on female sexuality, as well as the impact AD/HD has on female sexuality….”
For the complete content of this chapter, see "Understanding Women with AD/HD", Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D and Patrician O. Quinn, M.D., Editors, Advantage Books, 2002.
Fat oppression doesn’t just affect fat people or fat women. It really works to keep everyone in line. Fear of fat is rampant in our society and is responsible for the current masochistic race toward a slender body image. We are a culture nearly addicted to individual control and the notion seems to exist in our society that fatness means a loss of self-control – which is considered the ultimate moral failure in our culture, and perhaps the most frightening of all fears.
Statement of the Problem
Everyone is born into a culture – a set of shared ideas about the nature of reality, the nature of right and wrong, evaluation of what is good and desirable, and the nature of good and desirable versus the bad and non-desirable. (Richardson, Taylor, 1983)
The definition of desirable, with regard to body image, has spanned rotund to emaciated, with various ideals in-between. And, the methods for achieving the desirable, idealized image of the times have been equally as...