If you prefer self-study courses rather than being part of a community, such as ADDventures in Achievement then you will want to take a look at the Resources page on the newly remodeled Dr B website.
A medley of course topics will be added to that site soon, to supplement whatever personal growth work you are already doing - whether solo or with a therapist or coach. Upcoming topics include Communication, Organizing, Prioritizing, Task Completion, Maintenance, Self-Care, Procrastination, Managing Yourself In Time, Meaning-Maker, Mindfulness, Focus, Relationships, Keeping Your Word, WINS, Commitments, Follow Through, Perfection and more.
There will also be live MasterClass series offered on the Resources page; it's not listed there yet. However, the first series starts in March 2020 and the direct link to learn more and enroll is: 3-Part Masterclass Series
Be sure to check out the ADDventures in Achievement page if you want access to this information and want to get on the Waitlist. ADDventures only opens for enrollment 2x/year.
You offer a unique view and emotional insight to our ADD community. You are a doctor who not only treats, but also you share and understand on a personal level. You provide an example of a successful/accomplished person living/thriving with ADD. We trust your guidance. You offer a safe environment to share. We are a dedicated group of ADD adults who support one another. We "get" each other (and our successes and struggles) in a way that others don't. ~ C.T.
If you're looking for practical, hands-on tools to achieve your life's goals or just clean off your desk, Dr B will push you to think hard about your goals, what's stopping you from fulfilling them and to create and carry out an effective plan of action. She's also big on accountability and progress and will celebrate your successes with you. ~ B.G.
Thank you Dr B for your leadership by example, which very much includes being a real human being (not some "perfect" fake). You are the Wizard in Oz and you willingly pull the curtain aside to show us what the work really looks like. I am inspired and honored by your strength in being vulnerably authentic. ~ C.T.